Friday, August 22, 2008

Trip to Toledo, OH

I went over to Brians house to check out his droid and get some pictures. Now I have a shot that my local newspaper can use for the interview I did. I posted the photos in my gallery. The Goshen newspaper also did and article on us. R2-D2 is Real!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Michiana Droid Build Day!

Updated! We've changed the date to Sept 13th here in Goshen, IN. I have a new friend from ohio (Brian Byczynski of Toledo, OH) that will be bringing his R2 to show off. I went to his house in Toledo, OH to see it. I'll post some pictures next! If anyone is interested in joining us please don't hesitate to drop me a line and ask for directions. It looks like we will be having our very own little cookout. Email me @

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Servo Magazine

I found a great magazine to help out with some of the electronics end of building our droids. Servo magazine has tons of great ideas and kits to check out. The May issue of 2008 has an article about the R2 builders club plus some great circuit details about controllers and PWM's. Check the store area under back issues to see it.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Video Tutorials!

I found a great source for tutorials on building your R2 Unit on YouTube! Chris James of has a pretty advanced droid with all the bells and whistles. His video tutorials are located at

Thursday, August 7, 2008


After reading where I can find the blueprints I finally figured out where they were. You have to subscribe to the yahoo group R2 Builders to get access to the files area. After download the files related to the body frame and skins I wanted to print full size blueprints. It seems Staples can print 36" x 48" for only $6 a sheet. You can upload them to thier website and go pick it up or take it in on a USB memory Stick.


I started collecting files and PDF's of drawings and parts from the Staples only charges about $6 to print a 36" x 48" blueprint. I have about 6 different prints so far ranging from the dome layout to the body skins. I also ordered and recieved today a DVD of Celebration IV

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

R-Series Magazine

I really like the online magaine they have at Downloadable files can be found here.

Monday, August 4, 2008


I've been collecting files, images and PDF's for almost a week now. I just recieved a copy of R2 Builders Celebration IV DVD in the mail to add to the pile.